Michael Oeming ("Powers") sagt Moebius
mit einem dreiseitigen Comic Adieu
Zum Tod von Jean Giraud erinnern sich im Netz viele Kreative an den Meister und erweisen ihm Reverenz. Ich habe eine kleine Auswahl zusammengestellt. (Die verlinkten Namen führen zu den Quellen.)
Neil Gaiman ("Sandman") lässt seine Begegnungen mit Moebius anrührend und ausführlich Revue passieren, hier nur ein kurzer Auszug aus seinem Blog:
"I met Jean Giraud on a couple of occasions over the years. He was sweet and gentle and really... I don't know. Spiritual is not a word I use much, mostly because it feels so very misused these days, but I'd go with it for him.
I liked him enormously, and felt humbled around him. And in my 20s and 30s I didn't do humbled very much or very well."
Auf der Website des "Comics Journal" äußern sich zahlreiche Kollegen (hier erneut nur Auszüge).
Paul Pope ("THB", "Batman: Year 100"):
"We share the same publisher in France, and so in the final years, in various cities and settings, I was fortunate to be able to spend a few good times with him. His nickname for me was ‘Pol Pot‘. He would introduce me to others as Pol Pot, which never got old. Forgive me if it sounds cliché, but his death comes as a complete shock to me. The thought of him dying literally never crossed my mind."
Anders Nilsen ("Big Questions"):
"Looking at his work made me want to draw more, and to draw better. He demonstrated in a very concrete way that the drawing could convey every bit as much content as, and sometimes much more than, any dialogue or surface detail of plot. He’s a giant, and the shadow he casts over the medium is long indeed."
Mike Allred ("Madman")
"Intoxicating. Endlessly inspiring. I doubt there is much he’s done that I don’t have or haven’t seen. But I sure hope there is."
Kurt Busiek ("Astro City") twittert:
"Moebius isn't gone. He's just looped back to the beginning to start over. He is, and will be, forever."
Larry Marder ("Tales of the Beanworld"):
"Moebius RIP. He died during the solar storms so it's as if even the universe wept.
Dan Curtis Johnson ("Chase") erinnert auch an den eine Woche zuvor verstorbenen "Star Wars"-Designer Ralph McQuarrie:
"Ah, Moebius joins McQuarrie. I wonder what God has in pre-production, since He appears to be really stepping up His art direction"
Jim Lee ("WildC.A.T.S.", ""Batman: Hush") auf Twitter:
"Damn - wake up in the middle of the nite & see Jean Giraud (Moebius) has passed away. A huge influence & true visionary, we've lost the best"
Der Norweger Jason ("Ich habe Adolf Hitler getötet") in seinem Blog (Auszug):
"Unfortunately, I never got to meet him and shake his hand, as a fellow cartoonist. The closest was the first time I was in Angoulême, in 2000. It was the last day of the festival, I was taking a last walk in one of the tents, when I saw him signing prints. (...) That was a kind of magical festival for me. It was the first time I was there, they had a great Moebius exhibition, Robert Crumb had a concert and then, unexpectedly, the signed Moebius. Angoulême has never been quite the same after that..."
Harry Knowles, Gründer der Entertainment-Site "Ain't It Cool News", erinnert sich liebevoll als Fan (Auszug):
"I met Jean Giraud at COMIC CON about 17-18 years ago. It was before AintItCool, I was just a rotund geek wandering Comic Con with my sketch book. (...) I quietly walked up to him and asked if he would do a quick sketch for me. He looked at me and said, "You know, I'm not Moebius." and I responded, "Moebius is a dream, you're Jean Giraud." He smiled and drew a full page sketch that became one of the centerpieces of that particular sketchbook."
Rick Carter (Production Designer, Oscar für "Avatar"):
"The inspiration I always felt from the art of Moebius was that I believed he truly saw the imagery he depicted and was actually not making it up. His imagery appears as if it was sketched from a real-life subconscious world/existence."
Natürlich kamen einige der ersten Kommentare aus Frankreich. Ich übersetze einmal, so gut es mir möglich ist:
François Boucq ("Teufelsmaul", "Bouncer"):
"Ich habe einen guten Kumpel verloren. (...) [Er war] ein Meister des realistischen Stils [aber mit] einem echten Talent fürs Komische, was er noch deutlich bei den Krankenschwestern bewies, als ich ihn vor zwei Wochen in der Klinik besuchte."
Benoît Peeters ("Die geheimnisvollen Städte"):
"(...) Man war stets gespannt darauf, was er dachte, welche Überraschung er vorbereitete, in welches Abenteuer er sich stürzen würde. Selbst seine Verirrungen hatten etwas Faszinierendes. Es gibt heute viele große Autoren, aber es gab nur einen Moebius-Jean Giraud-Gir.“ (Auszug)
Joann Sfar ("Die Katze des Rabbiners", "Donjon"):
"Der Dämon der Zeichenkunst ist heute morgen gestorben. Nun haben wir weder Vater noch Meister. Um ihn zu ehren, müssen wir zeichnen."